Blue Bird Blog

What are your rights as a tenant? How to rent your first home in Canada

As a newcomer to Canada, it is likely that your first home will be a rented house or apartment. It is important to understand your rights as renter to ensure that renting your new home will provide you with a safe place where you can begin to adjust to your life in Canada. Landlord and tenant responsibilities can be different in different provinces and territories. In each province or territory, government departments or ministries oversee these laws.

How can you be granted Canadian citizenship after becoming a permanent resident?

You must be a permanent resident before you can apply for Canadian citizenship. If you are a permanent resident, this means that you are not under review for immigration or fraud reasons, you are not subject to a removal order and you do not have unfulfilled conditions related to your permanent resident status.

Open-work permits available for spouses, partners and children of sponsors

During the processing of a family class sponsorship application, some sponsored spouses, partners, and their dependent children, will come to Canada as temporary residents to be with their sponsor. Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) announced at the end of May a temporary public policy allowing these individuals to work in Canada while their application is being processed.

Étude : Le Canada abrite près d'un million de résidents temporaires

Le 20 juin, Statistique Canada a publié une étude intitulée « Résidents non permanents au Canada : un portrait d'une population en croissance d'après le Recensement de 2021 ». L'étude examine les caractéristiques des résidents non permanents selon leur raison de résidence temporaire au Canada, en fonction des résultats du Recensement de la population de 2021.

Study: Canada home to almost 1 million temporary residents

On June 20th, Statistic Canada released a study titled “Non-permanent residents in Canada: a portrait of a growing population from the 2021 Census”. The study looks at characteristics of non-permanent residents by their reason for temporary residence in Canada, based on results from the 2021 Census of Population.