
Bienvenido a Blue Bird, para una inmigración rápida y fácil a Canadá

Si su objetivo es inmigrar a Canadá, el gobierno canadiense ofrece varios programas para diferentes perfiles de aplicación. También puedes inmigrar a través de programas de estudio.

Easy immigration to Canada

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Un sencillo formulario para brindar información sobre su perfil, con nuestros abogados, su La solicitud será manejada para que reciba el mejor apoyo para su inmigración. viaje.

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Siempre que se envíe su solicitud, nuestros abogados la evaluarán y se comunicarán con usted con el mejor soporte.

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Blue Bird se enorgullece de presentar a sus socios que tienen la misma misión, mejorar los servicios para una inmigración fácil y rápida para todos.

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Haga que su viaje de inmigración sea efectivo, rápido y seguro

Encontrar un profesional de inmigración nunca ha sido tan fácil, Blue Bird le ofrece todo el apoyo necesario para lograr su proyecto y pasar al siguiente paso con confianza

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  • Aplicar con total confidencialidad
  • nuestro personal profesional manejará su solicitud
  • Siga su proceso de evaluación en tiempo real
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Blue Bird está diseñado para brindar confidencialidad, seguridad y eficacia a su proceso de inmigración gracias a un equipo profesional y dedicado de expertos abogados de inmigración.

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Easy Canada immigration

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Easy Canada immigration

El proceso de inmigración puede ser largo y difícil

Si no cuenta con el apoyo por expertos en inmigración Con nuestro equipo de abogados y expertos en inmigración, puede comenzar por plena confianza. Su solicitud será evaluada de forma segura y confidencialidad por parte de profesionales de inmigración.

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Here’s why the number of temporary workers in Quebec has nearly quadrupled in eight years

According to a recent report by a Quebec-based non-profit think tank, the province’s growth in temporary immigrants was primarily driven by two programs: the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP) and the International Mobility Program (IMP).
According to this report, published by the Institut du Quebec (IDQ) last month, Quebec’s temporary resident population grew 46% in 2023 and most of this growth was due to an influx of temporary workers. Specifically, Quebec had 167,435 temporary work permit holders last year, almost four times as many as in 2015.

How long will it take to become a permanent resident of Canada in 2024?

Foreign nationals seeking permanent residence (PR) in Canada often look for the fastest pathway to achieving their goal and starting a new life in this country.
On a basic level, Canada has four primary immigration classes: economic immigration, family-class sponsorship, humanitarian/compassionate immigration and immigration for refugees/protected persons.
However, within those four general classifications, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) provides foreign nationals with more than 100 ways to immigrate to Canada.

Canada implements policies to increase affordability of housing and groceries

A new Leger poll conducted for OMNI news, illustrated the effect of an increasing cost of living on newcomers in Canada. According to the study, 83% of the 1522 newcomers surveyed felt that affordability issues were making settling in Canada more difficult.

Simultaneously, a recent study by Statistics Canada found that more than a third of newcomers who recently arrived in the country were in renting situations where they needed to spend more than a third of their pre-tax income on rent.

On February 6th the federal government announced new policies to help increase affordability for Canadians, and those living in Canada. Similar affordability policies were instituted by the government last year.

5 challenges newcomers face in Canada and how to deal with them

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada’s (IRCC) Immigration Levels Plan 2023-2025 aims to welcome over 460,000 new immigrants each year, which is the highest level in Canadian history.
Upon arrival, newcomers must settle into their new homes and may experience some challenges adjusting to Canada and their new lives in the country.

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