Blue Bird Blog

Voici pourquoi le nombre de travailleurs temporaires au Québec a presque quadruplé en huit ans

Selon un récent rapport d'un groupe de réflexion à but non lucratif basé au Québec, la croissance du nombre d'immigrants temporaires dans la province était principalement tirée par deux programmes : le Programme des travailleurs étrangers temporaires (PTET) et le Programme de mobilité internationale (PMI).
Selon ce rapport publié le mois dernier par l'Institut du Québec (IDQ), la population de résidents temporaires du Québec a augmenté de 46 % en 2023 et la majeure partie de cette croissance est due à un afflux de travailleurs temporaires. Plus précisément, le Québec comptait 167 435 titulaires de permis de travail temporaire l'an dernier, soit près de quatre fois plus qu'en 2015.

Here’s why the number of temporary workers in Quebec has nearly quadrupled in eight years

According to a recent report by a Quebec-based non-profit think tank, the province’s growth in temporary immigrants was primarily driven by two programs: the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP) and the International Mobility Program (IMP).
According to this report, published by the Institut du Quebec (IDQ) last month, Quebec’s temporary resident population grew 46% in 2023 and most of this growth was due to an influx of temporary workers. Specifically, Quebec had 167,435 temporary work permit holders last year, almost four times as many as in 2015.

Combien de temps faudra-t-il pour devenir résident permanent du Canada en 2024 ?

Les ressortissants étrangers cherchant la résidence permanente (RP) au Canada recherchent souvent le chemin le plus rapide pour atteindre leur objectif et commencer une nouvelle vie dans ce pays.
À la base, le Canada compte quatre catégories principales d'immigration : l'immigration économique, le parrainage de la catégorie du regroupement familial, l'immigration humanitaire et l'immigration pour les réfugiés/personnes protégées.
Cependant, au sein de ces quatre classifications générales, Immigration, Réfugiés et Citoyenneté Canada (IRCC) offre aux ressortissants étrangers plus de 100 façons d'immigrer au Canada.

How long will it take to become a permanent resident of Canada in 2024?

Foreign nationals seeking permanent residence (PR) in Canada often look for the fastest pathway to achieving their goal and starting a new life in this country.
On a basic level, Canada has four primary immigration classes: economic immigration, family-class sponsorship, humanitarian/compassionate immigration and immigration for refugees/protected persons.
However, within those four general classifications, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) provides foreign nationals with more than 100 ways to immigrate to Canada.

Canada implements policies to increase affordability of housing and groceries

A new Leger poll conducted for OMNI news, illustrated the effect of an increasing cost of living on newcomers in Canada. According to the study, 83% of the 1522 newcomers surveyed felt that affordability issues were making settling in Canada more difficult.

Simultaneously, a recent study by Statistics Canada found that more than a third of newcomers who recently arrived in the country were in renting situations where they needed to spend more than a third of their pre-tax income on rent.

On February 6th the federal government announced new policies to help increase affordability for Canadians, and those living in Canada. Similar affordability policies were instituted by the government last year.